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Hausrath, Double-Fianchetto - The Modern Chess-Lifestyle
Hausrath, Double-Fianchetto - The Modern...
I became an IM in 1997 and a GM in 2013. Many of my students have asked me when I will start writing a book, because they know that I like writing and explaining things. I come from a teaching family; my father was a teacher at a German...
28,95 € *
Nemtsev, The Elshad-System for White
Nemtsev, The Elshad-System for White
More opening outrage and mayhem! The author of the 2017 groundbreaking study The Elshad System once again defies the principles of opening play - this time from White?s side of the board with 1.c3, 2.Qa4, and a quick advance of the...
17,80 € *
Georgiev-Semkov, The Modern English Vol. 2
Georgiev-Semkov, The Modern English Vol. 2
This volume completes the coverage of the Modern English with a repertoire against 1...c5, 1...Nf6, and 1...e6. It is based on active fight for the centre by e3 and d4. It is written from White’s standpoint, but it should also serve...
21,95 € *
Georgiev-Semkov, The Modern English 1.c4 e5
Georgiev-Semkov, The Modern English 1.c4 e5
This book aims to arm White players adequately against Black's most dangerous answer to 1.c4 - 1...e5. It is written from White?s standpoint and covers non-g3 set-ups. Some notable exceptions are 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 d6 3.g3, although 3.Nf3 and...
21,95 € *
Hansen, The Full English Opening
Hansen, The Full English Opening
The English Opening (1.c4) is a popular choice at both club and master level, because it is a chess opening that suits all styles. Elite players as diverse as Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana and Vishy Anand include it in their...
29,95 € *
Demuth, The Modernized Reti
Demuth, The Modernized Reti
The Reti opening has been quite popular in the most recent years. In the "Modernized Reti", Adrien explains how this subtle opening needs to be handled. With many transpositions into different types of positions, it is one of the richest...
29,95 € *
Lysyi-Ovetchkin, The Hedgehog vs. the English and Reti
Lysyi-Ovetchkin, The Hedgehog vs. the English...
In the last five years we have been observing a noticeable trend of the chess elite to evade the warn off central pawns moves 1.e4 and 2.d4 in favour of 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. Naturally, lower ranked players eagerly followed in the leader's...
24,95 € *
Cummings, The English
Cummings, The English
Der internationale Schachmeister David Cummings legt mit diesem Buch ein komplettes Weißrepertoire nach 1.c4 vor. Die Englische Eröffnung war in den letzten Jahren Thema vieler Eröffnungsbücher. Dort ging es aber immer um die Zugfolge...
21,95 € *
Lakdawala, Bird's Opening - Move by Move
Lakdawala, Bird's Opening - Move by Move
Huch, schon wieder ein Lakdawala-Buch! Die Allzweckwaffe des Everyman-Verlags hat erneut zugeschlagen. Wenn man Meister und Großmeister kennt, die teils jahrelang an einem Eröffnungswerk arbeiten, kann man über so einen Output nur den...
23,95 € *
McDonald, The King's Indian Attack - Move by Move
McDonald, The King's Indian Attack - Move by Move
The King's Indian Attack is a very popular system of development for White, which can be used against many defences. It s easy to learn and play, and is based on understanding ideas rather than move memorization. The King's Indian Attack...
24,95 € *
Lakdawala, The Nimzo-Larsen attack move by move
Lakdawala, The Nimzo-Larsen attack move by move
his series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills...
23,95 € *
Giddins, The English - move by move
Giddins, The English - move by move
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills...
23,95 € *
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