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Gonzalez, The English Defence
Gonzalez, The English Defence
Die Englische Verteidigung (1. d4 e6 2. c4 b6) ist eine dynamische Gegenangriffsidee, die ursprünglich von englischen Großmeistern erforscht wurde. Schwarz zielt darauf ab, Weiß schon in der frühesten Phase der Partie vor schwierige...
24,95 € *
Sielecki, Keep it simple for Black
Sielecki, Keep it Simple for Black
Suchen Sie nach einem leicht zu erlernenden und doch super-soliden Repertoire für Schwarz gegen alles, das kein endloses Auswendiglernen von scharfen theoretischen Linien erfordert? Hier ist es - und es wurde von den Nutzern der...
34,95 € *
Lysyi, The Modern Nimzo-Indian
Lysyi, The Modern Nimzo-Indian
Das Buch präsentiert ein Schwarz-Repertoire, das auf der Nimzo-Indischen Verteidigung basiert. Aus dem "Vorwort": "Ich habe dieses Buch für den Abenteurer geschrieben, der anfangen möchte, den Nimzoinder zu spielen, aber Angst hat, in...
21,95 € *
Jones, Coffehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 2 - gebunden
Jones, Coffehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 2 -...
Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player’s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with complete theoretical soundness. In Volume 2, GM Gawain Jones...
32,99 € *
Roiz, Berlin Defence - gebunden
Roiz, Berlin Defence - gebunden
Every player who meets 1.e4 with 1...e5 needs a reliable response to the Ruy Lopez, and The Berlin Defence is an ideal solution. Ever since Vladimir Kramnik used the Berlin to shut down Garry Kasparov’s best efforts in their 2000 World...
29,99 € *
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 2 - kartoniert
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 2 -...
Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player’s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with complete theoretical soundness. In Volume 2, GM Gawain Jones...
27,99 € *
Roiz, Berlin Defence - kartoniert
Roiz, Berlin Defence - kartoniert
Every player who meets 1.e4 with 1...e5 needs a reliable response to the Ruy Lopez, and The Berlin Defence is an ideal solution. Ever since Vladimir Kramnik used the Berlin to shut down Garry Kasparov’s best efforts in their 2000 World...
24,99 € *
De Prado, The London System in 12 Practical Lessons
De Prado, The London System in 12 Practical...
The London System is being played by an ever increasing number of players, and it’s easy to see why. Against virtually every Black defence after 1.d4 it offers White an easy-to-learn and reliable set of lines. In the process, White has...
26,95 € *
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 1 gebunden
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 1 gebunden
Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player’s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with complete theoretical soundness. In Volume 1, GM Gawain Jones...
32,99 € *
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 1 kartoniert
Jones, Coffeehouse Repertoire 1.e4 Vol. 1...
Coffeehouse Repertoire is a 1.e4 player’s dream: an arsenal of ideas from a world-class grandmaster to surprise and confound your opponents, combining coffeehouse trickery with complete theoretical soundness. In Volume 1, GM Gawain Jones...
27,99 € *
Caruana, Caruana's Ruy Lopez
Caruana, Caruana's Ruy Lopez
The Ruy Lopez is arguably the most classic of chess openings. White immediately starts the battle for the centre, fighting for the initiative. This strategic clarity has made the Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening, an eternal favourite with...
19,95 € * 29,95 € *
Georgiev, Attacking 1...d5
Georgiev, Attacking 1...d5
This book considers a gambit treatment of the Slav and the Semi-Slav. White offers the c4-pawn in order to get a space advantage and a long-term initiative. It also covers the Closed Catalan and the modern line 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6...
21,95 € *
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