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Sadler, The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement
Sadler, The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement
Your chess engine can do so much more than just calculate variations! Every chess player, from club level up, can improve their game by using engines. That is the message of Matthew Sadler’s thought-provoking new book, based on many...
29,95 € *
Krivec, Improve your life by playing a game
Krivec, Improve your life by playing a game
"Das Buch Improve Your Life by Playing a Game nimmt uns mit auf eine spannende Reise durch ein breites Spektrum von Themen aus der Psychologie und erklärt diese Themen, indem es den Leser in die Rolle eines Turnierschachspielers...
32,00 € *
Tukmakov, Modern Chess Formula - The Powerful Impact of Engines
Tukmakov, Modern Chess Formula - The Powerful...
This book is dedicated to chess, though I must confess it is not that same chess with which I immediately and eternally fell in love many, many years ago. There were plenty of wonderful moments, and no shortage of horrible...
30,95 € *
Hendriks, On the Origin of Good Moves
Hendriks, On the Origin of Good Moves
The way a beginner develops into a strong chess player closely resembles the progress of the game of chess itself. This popular idea is the reason why many renowned chess instructors such as former World Champions Garry Kasparov and Max...
29,95 € *
Sadler-Regan, Zeitenwende im Schach
Sadler-Regan, Zeitenwende im Schach
AlphaZero benötigte nur wenige Stunden des Selbstlernens, um zu dem Schachspieler zu werden, der die Welt erschütterte. Das System Künstlicher Intelligenz wurde mit nichts anderem als den Regeln des Königlichen Spiels gefüttert, bevor es...
28,50 € *
Berg, Alma
Berg, Alma
On a fateful summer afternoon Alma, Drifter, Felix and Bella are mysteriously transported to an alien world. Can they find their way back home? To succeed, they will need to make clever decisions – and perhaps even some sacrifices. Judit...
11,99 € *
Mueller-Schaeffer, Man vs Machine
Müller-Schaeffer, Man vs. Machine: Challenging...
Die Technologie entwickelt sich weiterhin rasant. Es mag heute malerisch klingen, aber vor nicht allzu langer Zeit kämpften Computer mit Menschen um die Vorherrschaft beim Schachspiel. Die Herausforderung, ein Computerprogramm zu...
34,95 € *
Sadler-Regan Game-Changer
Sadler-Regan, Game Changer - AlphaZero's...
AlphaZero brauchte nur wenige Stunden des Selbstlernens, um der Schachspieler zu werden, der die Welt schockierte. Das von DeepMind entwickelte System der künstlichen Intelligenz war nur mit den Regeln des Königlichen Spiels versorgt...
22,50 € *
Afek, Practical Chess Beauty
Afek, Practical Chess Beauty
Solving studies is well established as an effective method of chess improvement. In Practical Chess Beauty one of the world’s greatest study composers, Yochanan Afek, shares his finest creations. Fire your imagination, gain a greater...
32,99 € *
Llada, The Thinkers
Llada, The Thinkers
The Thinkers is a visual tribute to the game of chess, showcasing the emotions, exertions and desires of the players, and conveying the mental intensity only chess can command. Included are some of the most iconic portraits of today s...
39,99 € *
Lakdawala, Chess for Hawks
Lakdawala, Chess for Hawks
Are you a dove or a hawk Is your natural instinct at the chessboard for caution and strategy or do you crave adventure and confrontation This question may be more important than you think because being aware of your personal style (and...
22,95 € *
Schuyler, Your Opponent is overrated
Schuyler, Your Opponent is overrated
Which opening does better in practice: the wild, unsound and refuted Latvian Gambit (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 f5) or the solid Philidor Defence (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 d6) As James Schuyler points out, referring to the definitive Megabase, the Latvian...
19,95 € *
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