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Willemze, The Scandinavian for Club Players
Willemze, The Scandinavian for Club Players
The Scandinavian Defence is one of the most popular chess openings among amateur players, and it is easy to see why. Black players immediately limit the opening theory they have to know because there is no way White can side-step Black’s...
24,95 € *
Kotronias, The safest Scandinavian
Kotronias, The safest Scandinavian
This book presents a Black repertoire based on the Scandinavian Defence with 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6. This is the safest yet aggressive queen retreat. It allows Black to increase pressure on d4 with ...0-0-0 or ...Rd8 while keeping...
21,95 € *
Kasparov, Understanding the Scandinavian
Kasparov, Understanding the Scandinavian
The appeal of the Scandinavian Defence is easy to understand: it is very forcing Black is virtually guaranteed to get his desired structure. There are no annoying Anti-Scandinavians to study! But for many decades the Scandinavian was...
22,95 € *
Smerdon, Smerdon's Scandinavian
Smerdon, Smerdon's Scandinavian
Mitte der 90er Jahre fragte ich den spanischen Großmeister Alfonso Romero Holmes, einen begnadeten Taktiker, nach einer dynamischen Eröffnung gegen 1.e4. Drachenvariante war sein Vorschlag. Die war mir zu theoriebeladen. 'Dann schau dir...
25,95 € *
Lowinger, The 3...Qd8 Scandinavian - Simple and Strong
Lowinger, The 3...Qd8 Scandinavian - Simple and...
The world s oldest opening variation, 3...Qd8 in the Scandinavian Defense, has resurfaced in the last decade to give players at all levels a winning edge. Whether you prefer a sharp tactical game or slower positional maneuvering, the...
22,95 € *
Lakdawala, The Scandinavian move by move
Lakdawala, The Scandinavian move by move
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills...
27,80 € *
Wahls/Müller/Langrock, The Modern Scandinavian
Wahls/Müller/Langrock, The Modern Scandinavian
Themes, Structures & Plans in an Increasingly Popular Chess Opening Matthias Wahls's "Modernes Skandinavisch 1" was a huge success when it was published in Germany in 1997. Wahls s book contributed to the growing popularity of the...
27,95 € *
Houska, Skandinavisch
Houska, Skandinavisch
In den letzten Jahren hat sich Skandinavisch fraglos als eine Eröffnung etabliert, die man nicht ungestraft ignorieren kann. Warum erfreut sich dieses System neuerdings so großer Beliebtheit Eine der Antworten auf diese Frage ist in der...
24,95 € *
Bauer, Play the Scandinavian - kartoniert
Bauer, Play the Scandinavian - kartoniert
After one move of the Scandinavian opening, 1.e4 d5, Black decides where the battle will be fought - a significant gain for any competitive player. Grandmaster Christian Bauer is one of the world s leading experts on the Scandinavian and...
24,99 € *
Bauer, Play the Scandinavian - gebunden
Bauer, Play the Scandinavian - gebunden
After one move of the Scandinavian opening, 1.e4 d5, Black decides where the battle will be fought - a significant gain for any competitive player. Grandmaster Christian Bauer is one of the world s leading experts on the Scandinavian and...
32,99 € *
Houska, Starting out: The Scandinavian
Houska, Starting out: The Scandinavian
In recent years the Scandinavian has been catapulted into the limelight, and it has now firmly established itself as an opening to be reckoned with. Why has it become popular Because it`s easy to play - in the majority of lines Black...
17,95 € *
Wahls/Müller/Langrock, Modernes Skandinavisch Band 2
Wahls/Müller/Langrock, Modernes Skandinavisch...
Neun Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von Modernes Skandinavisch 1 legt Matthias Wahls, nun zusammen mit seinen Hamburger Vereinskollegen Karsten Müller und Hannes Langrock, den zweiten Band zu dieser populären Eröffnung vor. Anhand der...
22,80 € *
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