Produkte von Batsford
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Engqvist, 300 Most Important Chess Positions
Ein großartiges kleines Buch über das Verständnis der wichtigsten Schachpositionen in der Eröffnung, im Mittelspiel und im Endspiel. Hier werden die nützlichsten Stellungen in all diesen Phasen auf den Punkt gebracht. Perfekt für...
17,95 €
Gaprindashvili, Critical Moments in Chess
A unique exploration of those pivotal moments in which chess games are won or lost if you know how to spot them Packed with invaluable tips and tricks on identifying critical moments, illustrated with examples from 280 chess games...
18,95 €
Soltis, The wises things ever said about chess
'The best opening is the opening your opponent doesn't know.' 'The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.'This fascinating book contains 300 of the most astute insights on chess ever uttered, culled from...
17,95 €
McDonald, Chess Success: Planning after the...
There are plenty of chess books that cover openings, but not so many that tell you what to do next. Every player has encountered problems once the opening phase of the game has ended, and this book provides solutions. Renowned chess...
21,95 €
Karpov, How to play the English Opening
The English Opening (1.c4) got its name because it was first used in international competition by an Englishman: 19th-century world chess champion Howard Staunton. But it achieved the great popularity it enjoys today with the help of a...
21,95 €
Lane, Improve your Chess in 7 Days
No time to study but want to win more chess games Improve Your Chess in 7 Days is packed with practical tips, hints on how to improve, learn from the champions and find out how to beat them - in just a week. With one short chapter for...
21,95 €
Soltis, Transpo Tricks in Chess
In chess, a transposition is a known position reached by a different move order than usual a less obvious way of getting to somewhere you want to go, leading to confusion for your opponent. Every chess player has a number of them in his...
24,95 €
McDonald, The Art of Planning in Chess
A follow-up to Neil McDonald's incredibly successful Chess: The Art of Logical Thinking (ISBN 0713488948), this insightful book takes a close look at some of the most outstanding games from the last 6 years, commenting on every single...
22,95 €
Golombek, Capablanca's best Games
288 Seiten, kartoniert, 1996 'I think Capablanca had the greatest natural talent. You cannot play chess unless you have studied his games.' - Mikhail Botvinnik.
20,45 €
Keene e.a., Learn from the Grandmasters
160 Seiten, kartoniert, 1998. This is a new edition of a book recommended by world-renowned trainer Mark Dvoretsky as excellent study material for those looking to improve their chess. Contributors include: Mikhail Tal, former World...
20,35 €
Speelman, Endgame Preparation
177 Seiten, 282 Diagramme, kartoniert, 4. Auflage, 1997. This companion volume to Analysing the Endgame concentrates on major theoretical advances in endgame knowledge in recent years and looks at several rare but significant positions...
20,35 €
Gonzalez The
Smirin Sicilian
Van Wijgerden
Chess Tutor
Rudel Zuka
Van Wijgerden
Chessbase Fritz
Van Wijgerden
Van Wijgerden
Rudel Zuke Em
Caruana Caruana
Sielecki Keep
Chessbase Mega
Swiss Chess
Van Wijgerden
Fritz Fertig 1
Odessky Play
Pocket Fritz 4
Sedlak Playing
Bücker Englund
Power Fritz 18
Engqvist 300
Van Wijgerden
Emms Starting
Polgar Polgar
NIC Yearbook
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