Produkte von Interchess
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Sielecki, Keep it Simple for Black
Suchen Sie nach einem leicht zu erlernenden und doch super-soliden Repertoire für Schwarz gegen alles, das kein endloses Auswendiglernen von scharfen theoretischen Linien erfordert? Hier ist es - und es wurde von den Nutzern der...
34,95 €
De Prado, The London System in 12 Practical...
The London System is being played by an ever increasing number of players, and it’s easy to see why. Against virtually every Black defence after 1.d4 it offers White an easy-to-learn and reliable set of lines. In the process, White has...
26,95 €
Caruana, Caruana's Ruy Lopez
The Ruy Lopez is arguably the most classic of chess openings. White immediately starts the battle for the centre, fighting for the initiative. This strategic clarity has made the Ruy Lopez, or Spanish Opening, an eternal favourite with...
19,95 €
29,95 €
Sadler, The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement
Your chess engine can do so much more than just calculate variations! Every chess player, from club level up, can improve their game by using engines. That is the message of Matthew Sadler’s thought-provoking new book, based on many...
29,95 €
Moskalenko, The Fully-Fledged French
Viktor Moskalenko’s bestselling books The Flexible French (2008) and The Even More Flexible French (2015) were hailed by reviewers from all over the world as eye-opening, full of new ideas, easy to read, sparkling, and inspirational....
29,95 €
Willemze, The Scandinavian for Club Players
The Scandinavian Defence is one of the most popular chess openings among amateur players, and it is easy to see why. Black players immediately limit the opening theory they have to know because there is no way White can side-step Black’s...
24,95 €
NIC Yearbook 137 - kartoniert
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to...
29,95 €
Simeonidis, Carlsen's Neo Møller
Weißspieler werden das Neo-Møller gründlich verabscheuen! Spanisch ist eine der wichtigsten Schacheröffnungen, die bei Amateuren und Meistern gleichermaßen beliebt ist. Schwarzspieler, die die Hauptvarianten zulassen, sind in der Regel...
22,95 €
Zlotnik, Zlotnik's Middlegame Manual
Wenn Sie Ihre Mittelspielsbehandlung verbessern wollen, müssen Sie ein GEFÜHL für Stellungen entwickeln. Das ist es, was Boris Zlotnik während seiner langen und reichen Trainerlaufbahn immer wieder betont hat. Es reicht nicht aus, sich...
27,95 €
Benjamin, World Champion Chess for Juniors
Großmeister Joel Benjamin stellt alle siebzehn Schachweltmeister vor und zeigt, was an ihrem Spielstil wichtig ist und was man von ihnen lernen kann. Er beschreibt sowohl ihre historische Bedeutung als auch, wie sie seine eigene...
22,95 €
Timman, Timman's Triumphs
Jan Timman is one of the greatest chess players never to win the world title. For many years ‘the Best of the West’ belonged to the chess elite, collecting quite a few super tournament victories. Three times Timman was a Candidate for...
32,80 €
Odessky, Winning quickly with 1.b3 and 1...b6
“I left chess in 2012. I did not touch it for several years. Then I decided to test my strength in Internet blitz. I started from scratch. The board floated before my eyes, and my knee twitched. Less than two months later, I crossed the...
26,95 €
27,95 €
Schachplan mit
Chessbase Mega
Van Wijgerden
Smirin Sicilian
Van Rekom
Tukmakov Modern
Van Wijgerden
Prusikin Feuer
van Wijgerden
Van Wijgerden
Marin Die
Donaldson Minev
Smirin Sicilian
Van Wijgerden
Van Wijgerden
L Ami-van
Power Fritz 18
Starck Schach
Avrukh 1.d4
Flear Starting
Erwich 1001
Silman Schach
Polgar Polgar
Willemze The
Bologan The
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