Produkte von Chrysalis
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256 Seiten, kartoniert.An entertaining, instructive and thought-provoking book covering the games, chess ideas and life of Eduard Gufeld. A particular feature are the many witty stories of his escapades on the tournament circuit over the...
26,48 €
Chrysalis 2003, 208 Seiten, kartoniert. The quality of endgame play by chess players has deteriorated in recent years - as faster time limits and a general neglect of serious study takes its toll. At times even very strong players...
23,40 €
Batsford 2001, 160 Seiten, kart. Besprechung von GM Stefan Kindermann Der bekannte israelische Autor untersucht ein faszinierendes und etwas vernachlässigtes Thema: Welche psychologischen Mechanismen beeinflußen unsere Entscheidungen am...
23,42 €
Batsford 2002, 176 Seiten, kartoniert The classic text on the ideas behind chess opening, by Reuben Fine, is now over 50 years old and out of date. Gary Lane has brought his considerable skill for lucid explanations to put together the...
23,40 €
Chrysalis 2002, 176 Seiten, kartoniert For nearly half a century Leonard Barden has delighted readers of his newspaper columns with his chess puzzles, taken from both the world of chess composition and practical play. Here he presents...
23,40 €
Chrysalis 2003, 288 Seiten, kartoniert Though some of the earliest forms of chess are to be found in Ancient China, its entry into world tournament play came only in the latter part of the 19th century. In 1978, author Liu Wenzhe became...
26,40 €
159 Seiten, kartoniert, 2002. A new, completely revised edition of the classic chess quiz book that will help players improve their chess whether they are occasional social players or club enthusiasts. The innovative multiple-choice...
20,35 €
144 Seiten, kartoniert, 2001 Today, chess players are better informed than ever before and have a greater appreciation of good chess play. As a consequence, games between players who are roughly equal in strength tend to be close run -...
24,95 €
208 Seiten, kartoniert, 2001 A classic and popular text, How to Play the Middle Game in Chess has been completely revised and updated, using examples from contemporary chess play. It is an invaluable book for club and tournament player...
23,42 €
Batsford, 2000, 160 Seiten, kart. It is no accident that the dynamic Hedgehog formation has appealed to some of the most aggressive and interesting players on the tournament circuit, including Garry Kasparov himself. In spite of this...
23,41 €
Batsford 2001, 128 Seiten. kart. The Sicilian Defence, famed for its exciting counterattacking potential, has long enjoyed great popularity at all levels of play - from club amateur to world champion. In this instructive book, part of...
21,88 €
270 Seiten, kartoniert, 2001 Besprechung von IM Stefan Reschke: Die beiden Autoren hatten sich schon einmal mit der Drachenvariante (The Complete Dragon Batsford 1997) beschäftigt. Hier legen sie nun ein Update dieses Buches vor. Kommen...
26,48 €
Van Wijgerden
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Deep Shredder
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