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Mikhalchishin-Mohr, Understanding Maroczy Structures
Mikhalchishin-Mohr, Understanding Maroczy...
“Geza Maroczy left a strange legacy: the discovery that certain pawn formations can impose a near decisive cramp on one’s opponent.” Robert James Fischer Aron Nimzowitsch wrote that studying the middlegame in chess means studying typical...
27,95 € *
Panjwani, The Hyper Accelerated Dragon
Panjwani, The Hyper Accelerated Dragon
One of the remarkable things about the Accelerated Dragon is its appeal to players with vastly different styles. Compare Bent Larsen, the epitome of dynamic, offbeat, risky chess, with Sergei Tiviakov, who claimed in an interview...
26,50 € *
Hansen, The Sicilian Dragon - move by move
Hansen, The Sicilian Dragon - move by move
The Sicilian Dragon is a famous chess opening and is popular with players of all levels. The main lines often lead to ultra-sharp positions in which both players attack their opponent s king. Seemingly inconsequential mistakes may...
24,95 € *
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 2 - gebunden
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 2 - gebunden
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era GM Gawain Jones says Yes! In this two-volume work, the world s...
29,99 € *
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 2 - kartoniert
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 2 - kartoniert
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era GM Gawain Jones says Yes! In this two-volume work, the world s...
24,99 € *
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 1 - gebunden
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 1 - gebunden
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era GM Gawain Jones says Yes! In this two-volume work, the world s...
29,99 € *
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 1 - kartoniert
Jones, The Dragon Vol. 1 - kartoniert
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era GM Gawain Jones says Yes! In this two-volume work, the world s...
24,99 € *
Lalic, Play the Accelerated Dragon
Lalic, Play the Accelerated Dragon
The Accelerated Dragon remains one of Black s most popular choices in the Sicilian, and the attractions are obvious. Black s opening strategy is easy to understand, and his pieces are quickly developed on active squares. Furthermore,...
19,95 € *
Vigorito, Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon
Vigorito, Chess Developments: The Sicilian Dragon
Chess Developments is a brand new series providing state-of-the-art coverage of chess openings. Chess Developments focuses on the current trends concentrating on critical lines, theoretical novelties and powerful new ideas. It offers...
21,85 € *
Williams, The new Sicilian Dragon
Williams, The new Sicilian Dragon
Grandmaster and well-known Sicilian Dragon expert Simon Williams takes a totally fresh look at this famous opening. Concentrating on his favourite Dragadorf Variation, Williams constructs a cutting-edge repertoire for Black, one which is...
17,95 € *
Khalifman, Opening for White acc. to Anand Vol.11
Khalifman, Opening for White acc. to Anand Vol.11
Inhaltsübersicht: Preface 6 Part 1. The Accelerated Dragon 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 1. various; 5...Bg7 6.Be3 various; 6...Nf6 7.Bc4 without 7...d6, 7...Qa5 and 7...0-0 10 2. 5...Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 d6 8.f3 without...
29,99 € *
Greet, Starting out: The Accelerated Dragon
Greet, Starting out: The Accelerated Dragon
The Accelerated Dragon is a dynamic choice for Black and arguably the most natural way to play the Sicilian Defence: Black develops rapidly and chooses the most active squares to place his or her pieces. Unknowing white players looking...
22,00 € *
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